Friday, April 28, 2023

Railway PNR Kiosk: Simplifying Train Travel for Passengers:

A Railway PNR Kiosk is a self-service system that allows train passengers to check the status of their train tickets and confirm their travel details. The system is designed to make train travel simpler and more convenient for passengers, eliminating the need for them to stand in long queues or visit railway stations for basic          information.

      Benefits of the Railway PNR Kiosk:

  1. Convenience: The PNR kiosk is designed to provide convenience to train passengers. The system can be accessed from any location and at any time, allowing passengers to check the status of their tickets and travel details with ease.
  2. Time-saving: The kiosk saves time by eliminating the need for passengers to visit railway stations for basic information. The system provides instant access to travel details, allowing passengers to plan their journeys more efficiently.
  3. Accuracy: The PNR kiosk provides accurate and up-to-date information on the status of train tickets, travel schedules, and other details. The system is designed to reduce the possibility of errors that can occur in manual systems, ensuring that passengers have reliable information.
  4. Improved Customer Service: The kiosk enhances customer service by providing passengers with a convenient and reliable way to check their travel details. The system reduces the workload of railway station staff, allowing them to focus on more complex tasks.
  5. Enhanced Security: The kiosk ensures the security of passenger data by providing secure access to travel information. The system is designed to protect passenger data from unauthorized access or theft, ensuring the safety and privacy of their personal information.


       Features of the Railway PNR Kiosk:

  1. User-friendly interface: The PNR kiosk is designed with a user-friendly interface that allows passengers to access their travel details with ease. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing passengers to check the status of their tickets and travel details quickly.
  2. Real-time information: The kiosk provides real-time information on the status of train tickets, travel schedules, and other details. The system can be used to update passengers on changes in the operation, such as delays, cancellations, or reassignments.
  3. Multi-lingual support: The kiosk supports multiple languages, ensuring that passengers can access their travel details in a language they are comfortable with. The system can be configured to provide information in various languages, making it accessible to a wider audience.
  4. Payment integration: The kiosk is integrated with payment systems, allowing passengers to make payments for their train tickets directly through the system. The system can be configured to accept various payment methods, making it easier for passengers to purchase their tickets.
  5. Mobile access: The kiosk can be accessed through mobile devices, allowing passengers to check their travel details on the go. The system can be accessed through a mobile application or a web browser, making it accessible to passengers with different devices and operating systems.


The Railway PNR Kiosk is an innovative technology designed to simplify train travel for passengers. The system provides convenience, time-saving, accuracy, improved customer service, and enhanced security to train passengers. By adopting this technology, railway companies can enhance their operations, improve their efficiency, and deliver better service to their customers. The PNR kiosk is a valuable asset for any railway company looking to simplify train travel for their passengers.


Friday, April 21, 2023

Revolutionizing Advertising: Dynamic Digital Standee | Addsoft Technologies

In today's world, digital advertising is a must for any business looking to stay competitive. One innovative form of digital advertising that has gained popularity in recent years is the digital standee.



A digital standee is essentially a digital display that is used for advertising, marketing, and information purposes. It is a modern version of traditional cardboard standees that we often see in retail stores and movie theatres. However, unlike traditional standees, Digital Standee are interactive and engaging, which makes them more effective at capturing the attention of potential customers.


One of the biggest advantages of Digital Standee is that they are highly customizable. They can be designed to match the brand identity of a business, and the content can be changed on the fly to reflect the latest promotions and offerings. This means that businesses can use Digital Standee to stay relevant and up-to-date, without the need for expensive printing costs.


Digital Standee are also highly versatile. They can be used in a variety of settings, including retail stores, trade shows, and events. They are lightweight and portable, which makes them easy to move around and set up. Additionally, they can be designed to be freestanding or wall-mounted, depending on the needs of the business.


One of the key features of Digital Standee is their interactivity. They can be programmed to display dynamic content such as videos, animations, and interactive games. This helps to increase engagement with potential customers, making them more likely to remember the brand and take action.


Digital Standee can also be equipped with sensors and cameras, which allow them to collect data on customer behaviour. This data can be used to improve the effectiveness of future advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions about marketing strategies.


In conclusion, Digital Standee is an innovative and effective way for businesses to advertise and promote their products and services. They offer a wide range of benefits, including customizability, versatility, interactivity, and data collection. As digital advertising continues to evolve, we can expect to see more businesses adopt Digital Standee as a key component of their advertising strategy.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Group training system is an innovative and convenient way to provide access to group training systems.

Group training system are typically located in public places such as malls, community centres, and gyms, and allow people to access group training systems on demand.


A group training system typically consists of a touch screen display that provides access to a variety of workouts and training programs. Users can select their preferred workout, choose the level of intensity, and even select the music they want to listen to while they exercise.


Here are some of the benefits of group training system s:


1.    Convenience: Group training system provide a convenient way for people to access group training systems. Users can access the kiosk at any time of day and choose a workout that fits their schedule.

2.    Accessibility: Group training system are typically located in public places, making them easily accessible to anyone who wants to use them.

3.    Variety: Group training system offer a variety of workouts and training programs, so users can choose a workout that fits their fitness level and interests.

4.    Cost-effective: Group training system are often more cost-effective than joining a traditional gym or hiring a personal trainer. Users can access the kiosk at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership or personal training session.

5.    Customization: Group training system allow users to customize their workout experience by selecting the intensity level, music, and type of workout they want to do.


Group training system is a great way to make group training systems accessible to more people. They offer a convenient and cost-effective way for people to stay fit and healthy, and can be an important tool in the fight against obesity and other health issues. If you're looking for a fun and convenient way to exercise, a group training system might be just what you need.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Revolutionizing Feedback: The Power of Feedback Kiosk


In today's fast-paced world, businesses are constantly striving to improve their products and services. One way to achieve this is by gathering feedback from customers. While traditional methods such as surveys and questionnaires can be effective, they often require a lot of time and resources. That's where Feedback Kiosk come in.

A Feedback Kiosk is a self-service tool that allows customers to provide feedback quickly and easily. These kiosks can be placed in high-traffic areas such as retail stores, restaurants, and airports. Customers can use the kiosk to answer a series of questions about their experience with the business. The questions can be customized to suit the specific needs of the business, and the responses can be collected in real-time.

Here are some of the benefits of using Feedback Kiosk:

1.   Improved Customer Satisfaction: Feedback Kiosk provide customers with a simple and convenient way to share their opinions. This can help businesses identify areas for improvement and make changes that will enhance the customer experience.

2.   Real-Time Feedback: With Feedback Kiosk, businesses can receive feedback in real-time. This allows them to quickly identify issues and take corrective action before they become bigger problems.

3.   Cost-Effective: Feedback Kiosk are a cost-effective way to gather feedback. They can be used to collect data from a large number of customers without the need for additional staff.

4.   Increased Customer Engagement: Feedback Kiosk can be customized to suit the needs of the business. This can include branding and promotional messages, which can help to increase customer engagement.

5.   Data Analysis: Feedback Kiosk provide businesses with valuable data that can be used to make informed decisions. This data can be analysed to identify trends and patterns, which can be used to improve products, services, and customer experiences.

In conclusion, Feedback Kiosk are a powerful tool for businesses that want to improve customer satisfaction and gather valuable feedback. They are cost-effective, easy to use, and provide businesses with real-time data that can be used to make informed decisions. With the right feedback, businesses can improve their products, services, and customer experiences, ultimately leading to increased revenue and customer loyalty.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Charged and Ready: The Smart Way to Store and Power Your Electronic Devices with a Device Cart

In today's world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and we depend on it for various tasks. From smartphones to laptops and tablets, we use multiple devices every day. However, keeping these devices charged and organized can be a challenge, especially in offices, classrooms, and other shared spaces. That's where a device cart forcharging comes in handy.



A device cart for charging is a piece of furniture that's designed to store and charge multiple electronic devices at once. It's an ideal solution for schools, libraries, businesses, and other organizations that use a large number of electronic devices.


Here are some of the benefits of using a device cart:


1.    Convenience: With a device cart, you can easily store and charge multiple devices at once. You don't have to worry about finding an available outlet or untangling a mess of cords.

2.    Security: A device cart provides a secure storage space for your devices. You can lock it up and prevent theft or damage.

3.    Organization: A device cart for charging keeps your devices organized and easily accessible. You can sort them by type, owner, or usage, making it easy to find the device you need.

4.    Mobility: Most device cart come with wheels, so you can easily move them from one room to another. This is especially useful in schools and businesses where multiple rooms are used for different purposes.

5.    Efficiency: A device cart can help you save time and energy by allowing you to charge multiple devices at once. This is especially useful in busy environments where time is of the essence.

When choosing a device cart, there are a few things to consider. Here are some of the factors to keep in mind:

1.    Capacity: Make sure the device cart can hold all the devices you need to store and charge. Check the number of slots and make sure they're the right size for your devices.

2.    Security: Look for a device cart with a secure locking mechanism. Make sure it's sturdy and made of durable materials.

3.    Charging: Check the charging capabilities of the device cart. Make sure it can charge your devices quickly and efficiently.

4.    Mobility: Consider the size and weight of the device cart. Make sure it's easy to move and fits through doorways.

5.    Price: Device cart come in different price ranges. Make sure you choose one that fits your budget and meets your needs.


In conclusion, a device cart is an essential piece of furniture for any organization that uses multiple electronic devices. It provides convenience, security, organization, mobility, and efficiency. When choosing a device cart for charging, consider the factors mentioned above to ensure you get the right one for your needs.

Transforming Customer Experience: The Power of Information Kiosks

In an age where information is a click away, businesses and public spaces are continually seeking ways to enhance accessibility and user exp...